We All Need To Fish More

When I lived in Cayman (the first time) I used to watch the gentleman in this photo walk out on the rocks and drop his line in the water nearly every day. He was possibly the worst fisherman in history and I never saw him catch a single fish. As a matter of fact, I was speaking to his wife one day while standing in the yard and I asked how he was doing and were they having fish for dinner. She burst out into laughter and said, "Chicken. We'll starve waiting for fish." But the next day he was out there standing on the rocks with his line in the water, waiting patiently for a nibble or a bite. Or at least that's what I thought.
In retrospect, I presume he wasn't fishing for fish at all. He was fishing for peace and quiet. He was fishing for solitude and a time for reflection. He was fishing to make his mental, emotional and perhaps whole life just a little bit better. He was fishing for self-fulfillment and self-improvement.
If your head is buzzing far too much and you feel like you're being pulled in a dozen directions at one time, or if you are feeling empty and lost and wishing you could find a better way, perhaps you should try fishing. Try taking the time to think and reflect and appreciate the little things and the big things in life. You may accomplish nothing more than spending a few minutes in quiet contemplation, but you never know. You may actually catch a fish or even better, some inspiration.