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Steps To Writing A Story
1. Sit down and turn on your laptop or open your writing pad. 2. Start writing. 3. Keep writing. 4. Do it again tomorrow. 5. And then...
Our Military: What's Important To Them?
I follow a Facebook page called “USAF Retired”. It kinda goes without saying, I’m retired from the United States Air Force. The page...
The Tiny Oak
People often ask me, "How long have you been writing?" Well... I wrote this one back in 1998, so I guess it's been two or three decades....
I love listening to advice. Most of it is unsolicited so it’s usually an adventure of where the journey is going to go. I don’t follow...
8th Annual Key West Book Fair
Key West, Florida Book Fair
Anguilla Relief Fund
My wife and I have lived in a lot of places in our lifetime, but living in Anguilla for a couple of years changed us forever. The white...
Where Do Stories Come From?
For Christmas in 1911 Aunt Eliza gave a copy of a leather-bound book titled, “Longfellow” to Marguerite Day. I know this because inside...
We All Need To Fish More
When I lived in Cayman (the first time) I used to watch the gentleman in this photo walk out on the rocks and drop his line in the water...
Vote Zoltan For President, 2016
I recently watched an online video of Zoltan Istvan, the Transhuminist Party Presidential Candidate. Yes, for those of you who were not...
The Banana Man
A couple years ago while standing in line at a store in Grand Cayman a local character was jawing in the cashier’s ear and boring her...
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